- Uppgifter
- Thomas Enwall By
Information in English about Stockholms Radiosegelsällskap
Stockholms Radiosegelsällskap (SRSS) is the largest Swedish Radio Yacht Club focusing on the International One Metre Class. Lately other classes e.g. DF 65, DF 95, Minifolkboat and RC Laser have been given their own spaces on the website. Some facts about SRSS:
- SRSS have 50 active members (2017)
- SRSS organized approx. 30 regattas 2017
- 7 Ranking races
- 8 Cup races
- 8 Club races, some in the evenings
- 8 Master Cup races
- Races are organized all year around despite harsh winters, as long as the water is ice-free
- The 2018 race calendar is published under "Seglingskalender"
- Race centres are in Lidingö, Saltsjöbaden, Djursholm and Ålsten
IOM Swedish champion 2017 was Jocke Holmberg StSSS, Congratulations!
Winner of the Winter Cup 2016/2017 was Thomas Enwall, SWE 50
Winner of the Summer Cup 2017 was Bo Jonsson, SWE 43
Winner of the Master Cup 2017 was Claes Brunnhage, SWE 98
Number one on the ranking list at year end 2017, Thomas Enwall, SWE 50
A fair number of training sessions have been conducted which have been well attended.
We welcome visitors at our racing events, and at training sessions we can offer spectators an opportunity to sail IOM themselves.
On the website´s startpage, the latest information of upcoming events is published.
For information on sailing venues, check "Seglingsplatser".
Updated March 1 2018, LEn